After this significant achievement, the Faculty of Religious and Philosophical Sciences is positioned as an academic unit that has all its undergraduate and graduate programs...
Shrabana Sarkar, Ph.D. in Botany, discusses the BioPol project. Hot springs are said to have healing and health-promoting qualities, but a recent study also points...
Una académica de la Universidad Católica del Maule investiga microorganismos, capaces de remover la contaminación natural de las aguas subterráneas que emergen a la superficie...
An alliance between UCM and the Secretary of Science and Technology will allow researchers from the university to give outreach talks to young people living...
Alianza entre la UCM y el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología permitirá que investigadores de la casa de estudios realicen charlas de divulgación a jóvenes...
More than 250 students from eighth to fourth grade from different schools in the region participated in an entertaining scientific day organized by UCM in...